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Conflict Preparedness for Companies

The risk of conflicts has increased internationally, and the security situation is more complex than ever. Uncertainty and growing security risks challenge companies’ operations. Companies need to develop their conflict preparedness to be able to operate even in challenging and new operational environments.

What is conflict preparedness?

The increase in conflicts means that companies’ operational environments are becoming more difficult.

Conflict preparedness refers to a company’s ability to identify emerging problems, create proactive ways of operating, and prepare for upcoming challenges, thereby reducing difficulties related to the company’s operations. Conflict preparedness also mitigates the potential negative impacts of the company’s own activities on the operational environment.

Internally, the company pays even closer attention to the safety and well-being of its employees. The greater the risk of conflict, the more multifaceted and complex problems the company faces to solve.

Why is conflict preparedness important?

By understanding and anticipating the complexity of the operational environment, companies:

  • Support their own business operations
  • Act in accordance with their own and general operating principles, responsibly
  • Limit the potential negative impacts of their operations on the operational environment and its susceptibility to conflict

Conflicts affect a company’s own operations directly or indirectly. Companies may, through their activities, simultaneously both support and exacerbate conflicts. Developing conflict preparedness is not only responsible but also a cost-effective way to reduce a company’s risks.

In every conflict situation, some actors operate and succeed better.

What added value does conflict preparedness offer to companies?

Especially large companies have comprehensive risk management methods and responsibility programs. This work is important and supports companies’ operations even in difficult situations. However, these often lack:

  • Contextuality and flexibility
  • Understanding of difficult and complex problems
  • Consideration of the company’s own role in conflict contexts, i.e., understanding that the company’s own actions can also increase the risk of conflicts and cause harm.

These three themes are integrated into conflict preparedness.

A part of the project

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