Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention

Peacebuilding in a society after armed conflict is a long and demanding process aimed at preventing a return to armed conflict and creating conditions for sustainable peace.

Peacebuilding includes, among other things, peace mediation, building or reforming state governance, truth commissions and other reconciliation methods, as well as strengthening civil society. Local authorities have the primary responsibility for peacebuilding, but international actors play a significant role in the process.

SaferGlobe’s research on peace and conflict prevention has particularly focused on peace mediation and conflict analysis, and we also delve into the ethics, forms, and means of peacebuilding. In addition to research, we provide training and consulting services to the public sector, businesses, and non-governmental organizations to enhance the understanding of conflicts and to develop conflict-sensitive practices.

Our achievements

  • We developed a method to compare very different crisis management operations in the IECEU project. According to the European Commission, this method was not only scientifically valid but also contributed to the discussion on the importance of evaluation.

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The war in Ukraine, increasing conflict sensitivity, heightened legal scrutiny of business operations in fragile regions, and increasingly challenging operating environments significantly amplify the pressure on businesses to adapt. In conducting business in fragile areas, companies must consider both humanitarian law and human rights, ensuring that their operations do not further complicate conflict situations. The…

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