The Significance of Employment from a Security Perspective

In line with its strategy, SaferGlobe aims to examine security from various perspectives. From SaferGlobe’s research standpoint, individual safety and the impact of socio-economic factors on personal security and violent behavior are intriguing themes. The importance of youth for peace and security has also been increasingly recognized in recent times. In SaferGlobe’s project “The Significance of Employment from a Security Perspective,” the role of unemployment in different types of violence was examined.

As part of the project, a seminar was organized in April titled “Perspectives on Employment, Security, and Immigration—Is There a Connection Between Them?” In the seminar, the topic was introduced by Senior Researcher Maili Malin from the Migration Institute, University Researcher Mikko Aaltonen from the Institute of Criminology and Legal Policy at the University of Helsinki, and Development Manager Tarja Mankkinen from the Ministry of the Interior. Based on the seminar discussions and conclusions, a seminar report was published on SaferGlobe’s website and in print. The report was distributed through SaferGlobe’s networks, social media, and seminar participants. In connection with the publication of the seminar report, MTV News produced two news stories covering the project’s theme.

The Significance of Employment from a Security Perspective

Project Financier Ministry for Education and Culture

Duration 1.1.2016—1.6.2016