
Arms Control Report (archive)

Where are weapons exported from Finland going? In which direction is the arms trade evolving? How do states prevent conflicts by monitoring and restricting arms trade and military activities? The Finnish Arms Control Report published by SaferGlobe provides insights into arms trade trends and the development of arms control in Finland and around the world.

Read the Finnish Arms Control Report (ISSN 2342-3447) when you want to learn about the development of global military expenditures and how states aim to prevent conflicts by monitoring and restricting arms trade and military activities. We also reveal where Finland exported military products, from whom it purchased weapons, and who invested in the arms industry. You can find the terms used in the report, the methodology, and data sources in the methodological notes.

The Finnish Arms Control Report has been published online since 2017. In 2023, we transitioned to Microsoft Power BI. Older reports can still be read in our archive.

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Arms Control Report (archive)

Duration 1.1.2010—1.1.2017